Last Update : Mar 12, 2025

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Hyip Projects Classification

Learn to recognize the various types of HYIP projects


“HYIP 1-day” to gain in the shortest possible time. The basic interest for a A1D with the input figure is the order of 2-2.5%, one possible problem is that the amount can be reduced from transaction fees. Sometimes these programs offer also A3D and A5D options or even higher.


"medium- term programs", are programs where you get interest of 3-10% per day. The investment period may vary, this can be “unlimited” or end after 15-30 or 60 days. The options also concern the possibility of a return on the capital invested at the end of the investment period.


Long-term programs, are programs where you get interest of 1-2% per day for 100 days or more, may or may not have time limits, may or may not have a maximum percentage of gain.


Are those programs that allow the withdrawal of the capital at any time, usually with the deduction of a percentage of 5-10%, sometimes but rarely without any commission. 


Pseudo mining programs present themselves as real cloud mining services companies, but this is just a "legend". This does not mean that an investment in a pseudo mining is not recommended, sometimes these programs offer substantial gains. The deposit is converted into “mining capacity”, for example GHS, and you can choose which crypto currency you intend to mine.


A Hyip Sleeper is a Hyip in the pre-launch state. It is a tactic used to induce investors to think that the project has worked for a long time once the final plans and design have been added, when the launch in style takes place. A sleeper pays a rather low ROI and the site has no design. Only the Goldcoders, often orange default. These programs do not seem attractive. This is intentional: the administrators do not want many investors during this phase, which generally has a duration of 30 to 300 days. Also the deposit options are few, many adopt a max deposit limit, i.e. 200 $.

All banners and links here are advertisements only. We do not endorse or vouch for any advertisers. Some programs may be illegal depending on your country's laws. Paying status and others status is just for our monitor. We don't give practice, all investments decisions are up to you. Please bear in mind that all HYIPs and Autosurfs investments presuppose high risks.You've been warned about the hazards .We don't incur a liability for the money you may lose on any site listing here. We don't recommend you spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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