Last Update : Mar 12, 2025

Articles Details

Basic concepts

Here you can see some of the common basic concepts for operating with HYIPs


Your account in the project, which is available after registration. It gives access to a personal account, investments, withdrawals and promotional materials of the project

Automatic payments (Auto payment, Instant)

One of the most reliable and convenient modes of payment of investment projects. In this type of payment, money will automatically come to You at Your specified purse in the payment system. Thus, there is no need go to the project dashboard, order payment and wait


The ID of the payment transaction, it has numbered view and assigned to any payment via EPS (electronic payment system)


In fact, it reinvestment of Your profits to the Deposit body to increase it and thus increase profits. As a rule, HYIP projects have a choice of reinvest size in the range from 0 to 100%

Daily forever

This type of investment involves the possibility of daily payments for the project lifetime

Denial of Service

The problem of the project site caused by the hacker attack on him. In most cases this message when opening the website is not good. Most likely, the project will no longer resume its work, and make deposits into it, certainly not worth it


One of the investment strategies, in which investment fund are distributed on different projects. This method of work allows you to significantly reduce the risk of losing money. Often, losses in one HYIP project are overlapped by profit from another


The amount of profit on interest from deposits, referral programs and other bonuses from the investment project

Earning only on mon-fri (working days)

The word combination, meaning interest accrual in the project only on working days. Literally "earnings from Monday through Friday." If You saw this phrase on the website of the investment project, it's necessary to consider that on weekends, profit is not accrued

Fast HYIP or Fast

Is a type of investment projects. Projects of this type are characterized by high earnings (61% monthly and more) and a high degree of risk of collapse of the project. When investing in Fast HYIP should be very careful


Is the most common "engine" (the script, the creation program) of HYIP projects


In the context of the investment project, means the tab in which You can find information about Your income, expenses, referral charges, etc.


Abbreviation investment programs with high returns (15% per month and more). This yield is significantly higher than the banking system of any country in the world

Instant Withdrawals

One of the methods of payments of profits from the project. Has established itself as the second in reliability and the speed after the "automatic withdrawal". Characterized by instant payment immediately after the order in the personal account of HYIP project

Latest payouts

Last payouts from the project. Normally provided by administration at the site to confirm the solvency. With the reliability of this data can argue, but before the make deposit into the project it is worth checking the existence of payments


List HYIP of projects hosted on HYIP monitor. The projects in the Listing are placed at a height depending on the amount paid by the HYIP administration. On this parameter can to assess the intentions of the administration on the timing of work, promotion of the project and its solvency

Login (username)

Is Your unique identifier in the project or website. Is chosen by You and serves as an identification mark for the administration and other users. Login required for authorization on the website of the HYIP. If the word "Login" looks like a button, in this case, it denotes the link to the login page to the personal account of the project

Monitoring (HYIP monitoring)

Is a project having the form of a website, whose main task is the analysis of activity of HYIP, check the solvency of new HYIP projects and work in sphere of deposits insurance, the provision of refback and other features to it's users

Paid Poster

The person who deals with posting of payments on HYIP forums, social networks, etc. to attract referrals, or simply "promotion" of the investment project


Status of payment indicating that it is processing. Usually, this status can be seen in the projects with manual payments of profit

Ponzi scheme

The basic model of investment HYIP projects. When working according to this scheme, the profit for the participants of HYIP accrued at the expense of new participants and their deposits


The original amount of the Deposit, his body without interest


Referral commission back. Used mainly HYIP monitors or users with a lot of referrals as an additional incentive to attract new referrals

Referral link

The link for the invitation referrals. In this link enclosing Your referral code, and user who used it to register in the project becomes your referral


Compensation to the participant of losses in the HYIP project in the amount of his deposit. Occurs when the project is scam and paid by HYIP monitoring

Reinvest (reinvestment)

Reinvest from account balance in the project, after the accrual of profits (without payment system). Either reinvestment in project with EPS, from which the payment has come, if the reinvest from the balance is not provided


Return on investment. The payback period of Your Deposit in HYIP project, the break-even point, which occurs at the time a full withdrawal of the Deposit body


Loss of solvency of the investment project. With his offensive payments from the HYIP terminated and investors funds will not be returned


Code for writing HYIP project. Unique script and design, evidence of serious intentions of the HYIP administration


Encryption protocol, ensuring the protection of personal data and investments

Transaction code

The password required to perform transactions. Acts as an additional protection, when withdraw money from HYIP project


Application for withdraw funds from balance of the personal account in project

All banners and links here are advertisements only. We do not endorse or vouch for any advertisers. Some programs may be illegal depending on your country's laws. Paying status and others status is just for our monitor. We don't give practice, all investments decisions are up to you. Please bear in mind that all HYIPs and Autosurfs investments presuppose high risks.You've been warned about the hazards .We don't incur a liability for the money you may lose on any site listing here. We don't recommend you spend what you cannot afford to lose.

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